Thursday, February 22, 2007


Fickle, dammit.

It's a really testing time on Bursa, the market's been going up and up and falling, but even when it's falling, it's 50/50 so you don't..or at least I'm not certain on what to do. Arrgh, time to cut losses and maximize profits..stupid Tenaga. Pray that by next week all'll be good!

Plus, I've been saying that I'm feeling lucky this year; even won about 25bux today in Blackjack and ChorDi, hah. (from a negative 20 went up to positive 50; with max RM5 bets only) Though, thing was, it kinda felt like a big wastage of 4 hours of my life. But +ve anything is better than -ve anything, i always say.

Favorite track of the day : Bruce Springsteen - Secret garden from the Jerry Maguire soundtrack. *Proceeds to place it in my [soothing] folder*

A big portion of my leg (kaki) ciaoed recently in view of the starting Australian semesters.

Mr. Yong Jeng Wei : I've banked in your dough already, with extra ang pow from my mom, haha. Make sure you tell me when you're comin back so you can help me buy half of Quiksilver or something.
Wang Hong: Was really nice meeting up today, and you could've told me that Chee Yong was your BOYFRIEND. wth. Anyhow, we'll bump into each other again next year if all goes well, haha.
Sern Li: Hope you're all fine and fit from yer flight. Come back with more stories next year man, can't wait.
D.Bong: It's short for Diane in case any of you guys wanna get funny, lol. I told you all Justins are special. hah. The friendship we have cannot be put into words, but it's far from average I can tell you that. Your English hasn't deteriorated, and I hope we both come up with a solution for your predicament soon; else we're gonna be 2 lost sheep in heaven/hell on earth.

Yo'all be good, aite? Cheers.

In case you were wondering, Tschüs is the German equivalent of "tata.."


soonyee said...

i'll start reading this one... "click click, add to favorites..." haha....

justinwong said...

haha, thanks man, i'm flattered. =) Weh, take care of your foot lah, I didn't know it was thaat bengkak man..

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