Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How's It?

Briefly answering the question most of you all have been asking:

First two days at work has been great! Although what I went through was mostly inductions but it made me feel a part of the company, a good company with even better employees. You can actually feel the energy everywhere you walk. Thank God for that, else I'd be dying in a dying office.

Tomorrow'll be my first day out on the field where I'll be attached with the CoE (Centre of Excellence) or DSS(Direct Sales Specialist) with the DMM(District Marketing Manager) and after that I might see the SS(Sales Specialist) and the ASSes(Asst. SS). Lolz, I can imagine some people begging to get out of that position. Yeah, it's like BMW all over again with the short forms.

Will update soon, as for now *yaawn*, feeling sleepy. And it's just past 12 O_o"


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